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About Harry's Suitcase



My name is Kelly and I welcome you to take a look inside Harry’s Suitcase.

I am someone who has always enjoyed dabbling with crafty ideas and have lugged craft supplies around from home to home with the thought that one day they might be useful in a project. Since my son, Harry, was born I have found myself dipping into these boxes more frequently with Harry as my muse and inspiration.

I began making and selling teething jewellery at the markets in Melbourne when Harry was 4 months old. I filled a need for myself and thought to help others at the same time. After moving to the Blue Mountains I have found my interests are evolving as Harry grows. My inspiration comes from what stage Harry is in his development.

My latest passion are our recycled children’s book chalk boards. This is something I made when Harry’s favourite book fell apart and I was too sentimental to throw it away! I have received many comments from strangers in cafes and on trains when Harry was quietly drawing in his chalkboard. I thought it was another idea worth sharing.

What will I be making when Harry is 21?

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       Thanks for reading
       Kelly x ...